217《权力的游戏》制片人弗兰克·多尔格要为德国ZDF电视台开发一部全新惊悚剧集《康考迪亚》(Concordia),设定类似《少数派报告》,数百万台摄像机连接到一个人工智能系统,该系统监控公民生活的方方面面,并在犯罪嫌疑人犯罪之前阻止他们,整个城市没有枪支,犯罪率为零,直到有一天,在郊区发现了一具尸体…… -
331A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell. -
589A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a be -
陪审团十二人 第二季
858讲述了凯特·劳森(Kate Lawson)因涉嫌谋杀侄女而受审的故事,以及十二名陪审员如何将他们的个人生活和偏见带入法庭 -
血与水 第一季
519该剧讲述了一位当地青少年揭开她家庭秘密的过去,并在南非一所高中的复杂世界中航行。 -
850SUPACELL is about a group of five ordinary people who unexpectedly develop superpowers. They have little in common except for one thing: they are all